
LIVE 2013 will feature a plenary session, two paper and demo sessions, and a final session for a "birds of a feather" (BOF) activity.

Talks will be presented in fast-paced and engaging Pecha Kucha/lightning talk style, organized into thematic groups with joint discussion at the end of each group.

Plenary session (8:30–10:30)

Speakers: Steve Tanimoto, David Ungar/Randy Smith, and Thor Magnusson

Steve Tanimoto will be revisiting his framework on "liveness" and thoughts on new levels and directions. David Ungar and Randy Smith will be jointly talking about the hugely inspirational systems ARK and Self. Thor Magnusson will be speaking about the history of the live coding music scene and his newest live coding system. A panel discussion will wrap up the session.

A Perspective on the Evolution of Live Programming

The thing on the screen is supposed to be the actual thing

The Threnoscope: A Musical Work for Live Coding Performance

See more details

Morning break (10:30–11:00)

Session I (11:00–12:30)

Live Coding


Live Programming in the IDE

Before lunch break: birds of a feather clustering — each participant will post three sticky notes onto a communal board, with one topic of interest per note.

Lunch (12:30–2:00; banquet room)

Eat! Workshop organizers will cluster BOF sticky notes and prepare topic groups.

Session II (2:00–4:00)

Visions / Language

Tools: Mashing Avocados and Bananas

Start break-out, Form up BOF groups

Workshop organizers will present BOF topics and give further instructions. Groups start meeting!

Working Break (4:00–4:30)

Groups may begin meeting, or form and then pause for refreshments

Activities (BOF) Session (4:30–6:00)

Continue in break-out groups

Activities Closing Circle @ 5:30

  • Groups present discussion of breakout groups
  • Show any cool hacks
  • Take-away messages and thoughts for future.

Dinner, Henry's Hunan Restaurant

Meet 6:45pm at lobby

924 Sansome St, San Francisco, CA 94111