
Live Demos

We are proud to announce the winners of this year's LIVE programming contest!

We received 14 outstanding live programming demos and had a really hard time selecting the 3 winners. All demos will be presented live at the LIVE workshop, on May 19, in San Francisco.

Contest Winners

1st Place, Conception

Conception is a programmer's playground that blends ideas from systems such as Code Bubbles and Self, allowing a programmer to manipulate source code, execution, output, and many other programming artifacts, such as diffs and gists. Even at an early stage, Conception has many neat ideas. Watch the video!

2nd Place, CodeHint

CodeHint is an excellent example of how ideas from live programming can be extended into mainstream programming environments. CodeHint supports predictive programming, which Tanimoto describes as a "fifth-level" of liveness. CodeHint does this by simultaneously executing different possible API calls, allowing a programmer to interactively select which new changes to encorporate into the program.

The video is best viewed in full-screen with audio.

3rd Place, urMus

urMus is a collaborative live coding system, which produces a live instrument manipulated by a performer. The prototype system offers an interesting perspective on the production of live coding, as well as opening up interesting possibilities for a collobrative team of programmers to bring something to life.

See the demos!

If you like to watch these demos and come join us on May 19 in San Francisco. Besides the demos, the workshop will feature an track with lighting talks and hands-on working groups. We expect a mixed crowd of academics and practitioners from all over the world. Early bird tickets are available until this Sunday, April 14, register now hurry up!

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